America Heartland: Aerial Photography Celebrating the Sublime

Exploring the Geometric Beauty of Snow-Covered Fields

This aerial photographic project by Lampo Leong captures the beauty of America's heartland from a unique perspective, showcasing the geometric abstract patterns in snow-covered corn fields and roads. Inspired by the view from a landing airplane, America Heartland offers a nostalgic and sublime experience.

America Heartland is a series of aerial photography taken in a commercial aircraft at the moment of landing in the American Midwest. It showcases the dynamic energies and vitality that bring life to this region. The unique perspective of the photographs allows viewers to appreciate the geometric abstract patterns created by the snow-covered corn fields and roads.

What sets America Heartland apart is its ability to evoke a sense of the sublime. The photographs capture the vastness and grandeur of the landscape, creating a feeling of awe and reverence. The geometric patterns, combined with the pristine white of the snow, create a visual spectacle that is both captivating and mesmerizing.

Lampo Leong's use of aerial photography adds another layer of uniqueness to the project. By capturing these images from a commercial aircraft at the moment of landing, Leong offers a fresh and rarely seen perspective of the heartland. The photographs highlight the beauty and intricacy of the landscape, showcasing the harmonious relationship between nature and human intervention.

The America Heartland series is not only visually stunning but also thought-provoking. It invites viewers to reflect on the beauty and importance of the heartland, reminding us of the vital role it plays in our society. The photographs capture a sense of nostalgia and evoke a deep connection to our homeland.

These high-resolution digital files can be printed in various sizes for exhibition and publication, allowing viewers to fully immerse themselves in the beauty of the heartland. The photographs serve as a reminder of the power and resilience of nature, as well as the human spirit that thrives in this region.

America Heartland is a testament to Lampo Leong's artistic vision and technical expertise. The project showcases the beauty of the heartland in a way that is both visually stunning and emotionally resonant. Through these photographs, Leong invites us to appreciate the sublime beauty of the American Midwest and the dynamic energies that make it a vital part of our cultural landscape.

Experience the beauty of America Heartland through Lampo Leong's aerial photography and embark on a journey that celebrates the spirit of the heartland.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lampo Leong
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Lampo Leong, Size variable, 2020. Image #2: Photographer Lampo Leong, Size variable, 2020. Image #3: Photographer Lampo Leong, Size variable, 2020. Image #4: Photographer Lampo Leong, Size variable, 2020. Image #5: Photographer Lampo Leong, Size variable, 2020.
Project Team Members: Lampo Leong
Project Name: America Heartland
Project Client: Lampo Leong

America Heartland IMG #2
America Heartland IMG #3
America Heartland IMG #4
America Heartland IMG #5
America Heartland IMG #5

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